Saint-Germain Petits Fours
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Saint-Germain Petits Fours
3 trays of 48 pcs (1.51 lb) – 8 different recipes ✗ 6
6 Fraisier Cakes: joconde sponge, strawberry jelly, buttercream, strawberry compote.
6 Lemon Zest Almond Cakes: lemon cream, lemon and orange zest.
6 Triple Chocolate Squares: cocoa joconde sponge, chocolate crisp, milk chocolate mousse,
chocolate ganache, white chocolate mousse.
6 Financier Cakes: apricot jelly, chopped pistachios.
6 Cocoa Crumbles: dark chocolate ganache, dark chocolate cream.
6 Caramel and Cinnamon Financier Cakes: Tarte Tatin style apple compote, chopped almonds.
6 Raspberry Cheesecakes: lemon cheesecake, raspberry jelly.
6 Opera Cakes: coffee-soaked joconde sponge, coffee buttercream, chocolate ganache,
chocolate icing.